A big penis has always been seen as a symbol of manliness. (A common way to disparage a man is to insinuate that he is under-endowed.) When a man with a bigger penis is erect, he is seen as a more powerful and stronger man in the eyes of women and is, therefore, perceived in our minds as potentially a better lover. Women also tend to think that a larger penis is more attractive than a smaller one due to its being more visible in comparison to rest of the body.
The truth of the matter is that some women don't so much like a big penis as they dislike a small one. A small penis isn't visually stimulating and doesn't get you excited about the lovemaking to come. Also, many women complain that a small, slender penis doesn't "fill them up," or, even worse, that they can't feel anything when the man is inside them.
On the other hand, a big penis does give that "full" feeling that women desire. During foreplay, there is something exciting and fascinating about being able to wrap both hands around a throbbing, pulsating, and continually expanding piece of male flesh. Large men also have the advantage when doing it doggy style or in a scissors fashion. Length is necessary in several sexual positions where the distance between them and the depths of a woman’s vagina is expansive.
Actually, most women who desire a well-endowed lover are not looking for length as much as girth. Women tend to want a penis that is very thick (at least six inches around), heavy, and rock hard more than they are concerned with length. The ideal penis is one which is thick enough to stretch a woman's vaginal opening and which can be felt inside her body each time she has sex. An extremely thick penis creates more friction against the vaginal walls and also can stimulate a woman's clitoris better, which helps her to achieve orgasm.
A big penis, however, is not a panacea for sexual dissatisfaction. In fact, an ignorant, selfish man with a big penis is liable to cause a woman a lot more pain than pleasure during intercourse. On the other hand, a big penis wielded by a skillful lover can take a woman to undreamed of heights of sexual pleasure and fulfillment. That's why some women like a big penis.
If you are not happy with your penis size, just six minutes per day for a few short weeks can make your penis much longer, thicker, and healthier and give you permanent gains, which you can enjoy for the rest of your life. To find out more about the secrets behind these breathtaking new techniques, click here.