7 Tips for Swallowing Semen

Even though swallowing semen may help prevent depression and lower blood pressure, many women (including some who enthusiastically perform fellatio on their men) still don't like to swallow. Women who don't swallow usually blame their gag reflex or the taste of semen for their refusal. However, swallowing has deep, symbolic significance to men. By swallowing, a woman indicates her complete acceptance of him. Spitting out his semen is a symbolic rejection to many men.

If you would like to make fellatio an even better experience for your man by swallowing his semen, here are seven tips for overcoming the gag reflex and the taste:

1) Swallow in the morning
If gagging is an obstacle to swallowing for you, you should know that the gag reflex is least active the first thing in the morning. Try giving your man fellatio when you first wake up. This is the best time to practice swallowing with a minimum of gagging. Once you have had a few successful attempts, you'll become more accustomed to swallowing semen and the gagging will stop.

2) Avoid the taste buds
The main complaints about the taste of semen are that it is bitter and salty. The taste buds on different areas of the tongue are sensitive to specific tastes: sweet on the tip of the tongue, salty and sour on the sides, and bitter at the back. When swallowing semen, you can minimize the unpleasant tastes by trying to keep it away from the corresponding parts of your tongue. Since the "bitter" taste buds at the back of the throat are the most problematic, the solution is either to overshoot them by deep throatingor by pooling the semen in the front of the mouth and then swallowing quickly in one gulp. Make sure the semen spends as little time as possible lingering near the back of your tongue.

3) Deep throat
As mentioned in the above tip, when you perform deep throat, the head of the penis is in so deeply that it extends past the "bitter" taste buds that are on the back of the tongue. As your man reaches the moment of ejaculation, take his penis as far into your throat as you can, swallow as his semen hits the back of your throat, and continue swallowing until he's finished. You'll never taste it if you can avoid getting it on your tongue.

4) Use flavored lubes
There are a number of flavored lubes available that may help you disguise the taste of semen. Pick the flavor that you like the best and spread a generous amount all over his penis before putting it in your mouth. This has the added bonus of making fellatio, especially deep throating, easier because you don't have to produce all the lubricant yourself.

5) Pop a mint
Try sucking on an Altoid, Tic Tac, or mentholated cough drop immediately before performing fellatio. The mint will kill the taste of the semen when he ejaculates. Also, many men enjoy getting a tingle from mint or menthol products on their penises.

With the first five tips, you can hide the fact that you don't like the taste of his semen. With these last two, however, you're obviously trying to disguise the taste. With a little finesse on your part, though, he won't mind.

5) Wash it down
One way to keep from having to taste semen when you swallow is to wash it down with something. If you have a glass of water by your bedside, after he ejaculates, simply reach for the glass of water and wash the semen down the same way you would a pill or capsule. (Remember those health benefits.) Try not to move your head too much, other than tilting it back, in order to minimize the sloshing effect. Done correctly, you'll never taste it.

7) Just a spoonful of sugar
Instead of taking your "medicine" like a good girl with only water to wash it down, try following Mary Poppins' advice to disguise the taste with a "spoonful of sugar." You can easily use a mouthful of chocolate syrup or honey to chase down the semen and get the taste out of your mouth. Using food as part of fellatio also causes you to subconsciously associate sucking a penis with swallowing something that tastes good. Eventually, that association may make swallowing semen "neat" taste good to you.

If a man has to worry about ejaculating, feeling that it is an imposition on the woman or the cause of unpleasantness, it creates tension. He cannot fully relax or fully enjoy his climax. A woman who swallows puts her partner at ease and allows him to relax and enjoy one of the most intimate and pleasurable sex acts she can perform on him.

All women know that men LOVE oral sex, but not all women know how to do it properly. Giving good fellatio is NOT just about opening your mouth and bobbing up and down. To find out what every woman needs to know about giving her man oral pleasure, click here.
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